<有朋來自遠方帶義大利的朋友喝苦茶!> by Krist Kang (2016/05/25 post on FB)


2016/05/25 青草苦茶 at 高雄中山路

去年八月在東澳卡布丘認識的朋友,一塊在那個鬼地方採草莓,一塊出遊,逛逛陽光海岸、知名的Noosa海灘。時間過得很快,他也結束澳洲打工度假,來台灣環島兩星期。晚上敘舊,聊東南亞旅行,聊台灣文化和男女價值觀。帶他去喝濃厚的青草苦茶,降降肝火,我想他會永生難忘! 2016/5/25 高雄


A friend from far away-- Bring Italian friend to drink bitter tea!


Indeed, I was lazy to translate into English version for him. He was a funny and kind friend really. I met him in east Australia. We worked together to pick up strawberries at that period. Besides, we had little trip to famous Noosa head and sunshine beach. Recently he finished working and holiday of Australia. After that, he came to travel around Taiwan. We talked about south east Asia and some cultures and men & women of Taiwan. The most important thing was to ask him " did you bring your heart outside?" Then took him to taste and drink "a little bit" bitter tea, it was good for health. By the way, I was sure that he has deeper impressions about the bitter tea and never forgot. 25/5/2016 Kaohsiung city


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